



-Leave Saniderm on for up to 4 days IF the seal remains unbroken.  During this time, be aware of the sealed bandage on your body so as to avoid it peeling back during physical activity.  You may shower but do not take baths or do any other activities that involve a full submersion of your body (especially the tattooed area) in water or any other liquid.  This applies to both before and after removal of the Saniderm. If the seal/edge of the Saniderm is broken or if plasma/blood/ink breaches the edge of the bandage, it is time to remove your Saniderm, regardless of how long it has been on.

-Ideal Saniderm removal takes place in the shower: using a constant flow of warm to hot water to the desired area.  Start at one edge of the bandage and gradually peel away from your skin, allowing the water to get under the bandage as you slowly pull it off.



-Once bandage is removed, gradually bring the tattooed area under the hot water, and with a clean hand wipe away any extra plasma/blood/ink, until the tattoo no longer feels slimy.

-You may use a small amount of unscented antibacterial soap to wash the tattoo, but avoid any scented products.  You can also use Bactine to keep your tattoo clean.  If you wash your hair with a fragrant shampoo, make sure that you rinse your tattoo off afterwards with water.  (Also avoid using performs, hairsprays, scented lotions, deodorants, etc in the tattooed area for 3 weeks.  These products can cause healing complications if administered on or near the tattooed area)

-Once you’ve gotten out of the shower it’s time for some HOT COMPRESSES 


-With clean hands take a brand new paper towel or freshly laundered washcloth/towel and heat it up under some fairly steaming (but not scalding) water.  When its feeling nice and toasty (but not burning), apply the cloth or towel with pressure to your tattoo and hold it there until it cools down.  

-Repeat this process 6-8 times in a row, in the morning and the evening, and for a minimum of 4 days after you’ve removed your bandage.  After each round of hot compresses, rinse your tattoo with cool water or do a cold compress, to close your pores back up.

-If your tattoo is noticeably oozing or “weeping” it’s probably time for another round of hot compresses, regardless of how recently you last did so.


-Starting 24 hours after the removal of your bandage, you may begin using Aquaphor ointment to keep your new tattoo moisturized.

-When doing so, apply a small amount of Aquaphor ointment to your tattoo (just enough to be rubbed into your skin. If your skin feels oily and like there is a layer of ointment sitting on the surface, you have used too much and should wipe away the excess with a clean warm cloth)

-Use Aquaphor 2-4 times for the first 2 weeks, and for subsequent weeks use as needed (whenever your tattoo feels dry)


-Wash your tattoo at least twice a day for 2-3 weeks.  Do hot compresses after washing.

-Keep clean sheets and bedding, as well as clean clothing to reduce risk of infection.

-Avoid direct sun exposure to your tattoo for at least 3 weeks (after your tattoo is completely healed and settled, you may begin using sunscreen on it)

-Avoid tight clothing on your fresh tattoo; clean lose-fitting clothing is ideal

-Avoid excess physical exertion i.e. activities that cause excess sweating while your tattoo is healing

-Avoid activities that may cause you to scrape, burn, or otherwise irritate your skin

-Avoid using fragrances, scented soaps, perfumes, and deodorants in the tattooed area until it is healed

-Your tattoo will itch while it is healing, but DO NOT SCRATCH OR PICK AT IT.  Doing so will compromise proper healing, and can lead to infection, as well as ink fallout.  Applying Aquaphor ointment can help with itching, as can a hot shower or hot compress.